So, I asked my wife who is smarter then me. She blurted out, BenBites. Wow, and I thought she liked me. Then she explained, no BenBytes like a play on words, a pun. I told you she was smart. But someone already took that, so I tried BensBytes....taken...iBen...taken. I explained that I like the constenation and my smart wife once again corrected me and said, "I think you mean alliteration".
I was starting to wonder how such an average geek ended up with such a smart beautiful wife, then she asked me to change a diaper and I realized.....I do have value to her.
So, while I was changing the diaper, eureka, it hit me like a foul smell, BensBlogBytes (lots of constenation). It is sort of witty and funny, a little self loathing, but I was changing a diaper when it came to me. BINGO