Tuesday, June 2, 2009

West Side Technology

I have recently acquired the position of overseeing technology for the West Side Technology Group or more specifically, Holy Cross, Holy Family, Saint Aldalbert's, Saint John's, and Our Lady.  I have been lucky enough to have gotten the best all round technician I know to be the Network Administrator for this project and everything seems to be going great.  

I am thinking I am going to change the purpose of this blog to sharing information with the other feeder schools about the deals that Al and myself are finding, with the other feeder schools in the diocese.  I am also hoping that putting this out there others might say, hey, I have a better deal on this that you might want to try out.  

Our first goal is to set up G-mail for the schools.  This is free and right now it looks like archival will be $11 per account (this is a little expensive, but it is done right).  

The second primary goal is to build TTC servers.  Now I have tried less expensive firewalls (FreeGuard 100 with fortigate 3.0 firmware and waterloo for reporting).  This is a great system, but I really miss the security agent that blocks spyware, programs, viruses on the local machine. In combination with Microsoft's Steady state (free) there really is no need for anti-virus on all of the machines.  Al has also found he can purchase SQL for much less ($175) then we originally thought.  

Third, Windows servers ($105 license, $500 for server w/3 yr warranty)  for user, file, print management.  This is a no brainer when you get educational pricing.  The only thing that is bad is the cost of the CAL's (approx. $9) for each computer that connects to the server.  I am working on getting a better price on these also.

We are going to be buying our computers from insight investments.  We are looking at trying to get Dell GX280 with 3ghz procs, 1gb ram, 3 yr warranty for $130 a machine.  Al thinks we may want to buy even better computers with at least hyper threaded procs.  I am not sure that these are not, but he may be right as all the software is becoming more demanding.  

Well, it is about time for bed, but I will be writing more here about the technology project in the future. 

Friday, May 1, 2009

Great Background switching software


This guy makes awesome software that will grab picture from a variety of sites, like my Flickr account, and display the pictures (even two at a time on my dual monitors at work) on you desktop background!  This is great free software although he does accept donations for his work.   He also has a piece of software for compressing pictures.  I havn't tried it, but if it does what it says it is a great piece of software.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Naming my first Blog

Well, I decided I wanted to write a technology tips blog that was witty and fun.  So, the first name that came to my mind was Ben'sWittyBlog, but well, that is like wearing a Dave Mathew's shirt to a Dave Mathew's concert.  

So, I asked my wife who is smarter then me.  She blurted out, BenBites.  Wow, and I thought she liked me.  Then she explained, no BenBytes like a play on words, a pun.  I told you she was smart.  But someone already took that, so I tried BensBytes....taken...iBen...taken.   I explained that I like the constenation and my smart wife once again corrected me and said, "I think you mean alliteration".  

I was starting to wonder how such an average geek ended up with such a smart beautiful wife, then she asked me to change a diaper and I realized.....I do have value to her.   

So, while I was changing the diaper, eureka, it hit me like a foul smell, BensBlogBytes (lots of constenation).  It is sort of witty and funny, a little self loathing, but I was changing a diaper when it came to me.  BINGO